Time: 11.00 am – 1.00 pm
Optional breakout rooms for further discussion will be available after the event until 1:30pm
We have some interesting presentations focussing on this important area of care:
- Sub-optimal decisions and accepting these as a practitioner
Dr Rachel Woolrich, Principal Clinical Psychologist, the Oxford Psychological Medicine Centre.
As a practitioner, patients in your care may take what you consider to be sub-optimal decisions for their care. In this session Dr Woolrich will explore how best as a practitioner to recommend a direction of treatment or whilst not unduly influencing patient decisions. And how you can square acceptance of such decisions with the knowledge and conviction that you have provided best care.
- Understanding the roots of psychological distress
Dr John Ashworth, Counselling Psychologist, South West Neuromuscular Operational Delivery Network, Bristol
Getting a diagnosis of MND is devastating and throughout its course the disease presents many more challenges – both physical and emotional. In this session Dr Ashworth examines some commonly experienced stressors and explores how as practitioners you can provide support, including when your patient expresses thoughts of suicide.
As usual there will be lots of opportunity to discuss what you have heard and explore how it could be useful to your practice.