- General Practitioner
- Counsellor
- Psychologist
- Psychiatrist
- Social worker
- Neuropsychologist
- Occupational therapist
- Spiritual or faith leader/counsellor
- Complementary therapists
This multidisciplinary healthcare team can help a person living with ALS/MND cope with emotions regarding various aspects of their lives. Coping and coming to terms with a diagnosis, relationships, both familial and intimate, religious or spiritual faith, and managing symptoms of ALS/MND as they progress all impact a person living with ALS/MND.
Individuals with ALS/MND can also access their multidisciplinary healthcare team for treatment and management for anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Medications are available for mental health in people living with ALS/MND.
In addition, the multidisciplinary healthcare team is available to help treat and manage potential symptoms of ALS/MND that affect cognition and behaviour, such as frontal temporal dementia symptoms.
Living with ALS/MND does not mean a person is alone. Support is always available.
For more information on mental health support, refer to the resources provided below.
Click on the icon below to visit our playlist of videos related to Mental Health Support.
The following are resources from Members of the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations on the topic of Mental Health Support.
Psychological Treatment Program
Psychological support services are provided by a group of ALS trained, dedicated Psychologists and Registered Clinical Counsellors who volunteer their time to provide much-needed therapy and counselling to people affected by ALS. For people without extended health benefits, this service can be provided Pro Bono.
Language: English
Subject Areas: Mental Health Support, For People with ALS/MND, For Caregivers
What Can the Social Worker Do For You?
This resource discusses the social worker’s role as part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team for families affected by ALS/MND and for people living with ALS/MND. In addition, the type of support that a social worker can provide is discussed.
Language: Dutch, English
Subject Areas: Social Work, Mental Health Support, Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team, For People with ALS/MND, For Caregivers
What Does the Psychologist Do?
The ALS Centrum Nederlands discusses the role of a psychologist as part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team in this resource. In addition, information on the support a psychologist can provide to the patient, the caregiver and family of the person living with ALS/MND, and their healthcare team is discussed.
Language: Dutch
Subject Areas: Mental Health Support, Psychologist, Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team, For People with ALS/MND, For Caregivers
Emotional Support for People With or Affected by ALS/MND
Information on supporting and managing emotions for people living with ALS/MND is provided in this guide. The guide, created by the MND Association (MNDA), outlines the multidisciplinary healthcare team that can help support mental health for a person living with ALS/MND. Tips and strategies for managing difficult emotions and emotional lability are also provided.
Language: English
Subject Areas: Mental Health Support, Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team, For People with ALS/MND
Coping with ALS/MND
This is a brief resource for people living with ALS/MND to help identify signs that they may need mental health support. The ALS Association (ALSA) discusses these signs and the treatment and support options available.
Language: English
Subject Areas: Mental Health Support, For People with ALS/MND
Spiritual Guidance with ALS
The ALS Centrum Nederlands provides information about the spiritual counsellor’s role in supporting mental health and treatment for people living with ALS/MND. The impacts of spiritual guidance are also discussed and outlined in this resource.
Language: Dutch
Subject Areas: Mental Health Support, Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team, For People with ALS/MND
FYI: ALS, Cognitive Impairment, & Dementia
This resource provides detailed information for the multidisciplinary healthcare team about the effects of ALS/MND on cognition and frontal temporal dementia. In addition, information for care and management for people living with ALS/MND with these symptoms are discussed. The ALS Association (ALSA) also provides input on communicating these symptoms to people living with ALS/MND.
Language: English
Subject Areas: Mental Health, Dementia, Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team, For Healthcare Professionals
Changes in Thinking and Emotional Lability
The ALS Association provides this resource with information on symptoms of ALS/MND related to cognition, dementia, and depression. This information is intended for people living with ALS/MND and caregivers. People with ALS/MND and caregivers can find out more about these symptoms and how to manage and cope with them.
Language: English
Subject Areas: Mental Health, Dementia, For People with ALS/MND, For Caregivers