The International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations encourages all organisations involved in support of people living with ALS/MND, and other organisations with an interest in ALS/MND, to apply for membership of the Alliance.
We have three levels of membership: Full, Affiliate, and Honorary. See below for criteria, application requirements, and fees for each membership level.
Membership Criteria, Application Requirements & Fees
Full Membership
The criteria for Full Membership in the Alliance will be Organisations which:
- Serve people with ALS/MND or related disorders with a focus on patient advocacy;
- Are chartered in own country as a non-profit national or independent organisation for at least 2 years;
- Have a legal constitution or by-laws;
- Are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors (however described), elected by and/or from the membership which includes people living with ALS/MND, carers, past carers, or people closely associated with the disease;
- Prepare an annual financial statement; and,
- Sign and fulfill the Alliance Code of Conduct
Prospective members must submit a cover letter stating their reasons for wanting to become a member of the International Alliance, which must be accompanied by the specified information below.
Applicants for Full Membership must submit the following documents in English:
- Cover letter
- Proof of non-profit status in their country
- Copy of their constitution and/or by-laws
- List of names of the Board of Directors (however described) and Officers
- Mission or purpose statement (most likely in constitution)
- Written financial statement of previous year’s income
- Copies of brochures and other materials (if not in English, then with some English translation)
The fee for Full Membership is either an amount equal to 0.2% of total annual income of the applicant organisation or £UK100, which ever is greater. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, fees can be waived or reduced for members that demonstrate need and make a request in writing.
Affiliate Membership
The criteria for Affiliate Membership in the Alliance will be Organisations which:
- Serve people with ALS/MND or related disorders with a focus on patient advocacy;
- Are chartered in own country as a non-profit national or independent organisation (or status pending) by July 1st of the current membership year;
- Have a legal constitution or by-laws;
- Are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors (however described), elected by and/or from the membership which includes people living with ALS/MND, carers, past carers, or people closely associated with the disease;
- Prepare an annual financial statement; and,
- Sign and fulfill the Alliance Code of Conduct
Prospective members must submit a cover letter stating their reasons for wanting to become a member of the International Alliance, which must be accompanied by the specified information below.
Applicants for Affiliate Membership must submit the following documents in English:
- Cover letter
- Proof of non-profit status in their country
- Copy of their constitution and/or by-laws
- List of names of the Board of Directors (however described) and Officers
- Mission or purpose statement (most likely in constitution)
- Written financial statement of previous year’s income
- Copies of brochures and other materials (if not in English, then with some English translation)
Subscriptions are £100 (pounds sterling).
Honorary Membership
Honourary membership may be conferred on key contributors to the Alliance at the discretion of the Board of Directors for service rendered in achieving the vison of the Alliance: A World Free of ALS/MND! These key contributors can be former Board Members, Patrons, Staff or Award winners.
For any questions or for further information, please contact the Executive Director at
The Board of Directors of the Alliance will review applications and supporting documentation received. Decisions are made at the Board of Directors Meetings, which are held quarterly. An email will be forwarded advising applicants of the Board’s decision.
Participation at the Alliance Meeting is encouraged for prospective new members. Observer status will be granted.