Webinar from Les Turner ALS Foundation: Navigating Advanced Directives

Zoom Webinar

Title: Navigating Advanced Directives Date/Time:  Monday, April 15th at noon CST Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8687536477912516955 About the talk:  Advanced directives are legal documents that provide instructions for medical care. When living with ALS, it is important to think ahead about what kind of care you may want in the future. Advanced directives are a way to ensure that you, your […]


Webinar from Alliance: Mental Health in ALS/MND

Zoom Webinar

This webinar will provide tools and recommendations for People living with ALS/MND, their caregivers and youth. We will learn how to take care of our mental health upon diagnosis, how to deal with our emotions like guilt and anxiety. And how to drive motivation and other activities that will provide happiness and enjoyment.

Webinar from Alliance: Respiratory Support in ALS/MND

Zoom Webinar

This webinar will cover the essentials to understand respiratory support in ALS/MND. We will cover how breathing is affected, what care and support can be followed, non-invasive equipment available, and what is a traqueostomy, how it works, and considerations. Presenter: Susan Brumby

Webinar from Les Turner ALS Foundation: Developing Tools to Help People Living with ALS Make Difficult Decisions

Zoom Webinar

About the program: People living with ALS must make many complex decisions regarding their future care needs, which can be stressful and overwhelming. In our upcoming ALS Learning Series, with Dr. Anne Hogden, she’ll discuss how she and other researchers have collaborated with the ALS community, their family members, and their ALS care teams to […]

Webinar from The MND Association of South Africa and Genoa Underwriting Managers

Zoom Webinar

DAY 1 | MEDICAL | Aetiology, Diagnosis and Genetics AUDIENCE | General Practitioners, Neurologists, Nursing fraternity and Allied health practitioners The Motor Neuron Disease Association of South Africa and Genoa Underwriting Managers are delighted to invite you to a webinar hosted via the Zoom platform.  Hosted over 3 days, local and international guest speakers will discuss […]

Webinar from Les Turner ALS Foundation: How to Control your Phone with your Voice

Zoom Webinar

About the Program What can you do to control your phone or tablet, when tapping on the screen becomes difficult? June's ALS Learning Series will describe in detail how to control your mobile devices totally hands-free with just your voice. After seeing how powerful Voice Control is on iPhones and iPads, and Voice Access is […]

Webinar from The MND Association of South Africa and Genoa Underwriting Managers

Zoom Webinar

DAY 2 | MANAGEMENT | Disease Progression Management AUDIENCE | All medical and allied medics involved in the treatment and management of MND patients The Motor Neuron Disease Association of South Africa and Genoa Underwriting Managers are delighted to invite you to a webinar hosted via the Zoom platform.  Hosted over 3 days, local and […]

Global Day

Every year the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations celebrates 21 June as the global day of recognition of ALS/MND – a disease that affects people in every country of the globe. ALS/MND  is a global problem. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or region. There are people living with ALS/MND all […]


Webinar from Alliance: Global Awareness Day

Zoom Webinar

On June 21, ALS/MND Global Awareness Day, we’ll be holding a public webinar, moderated by our Chair, Calaneet Balas, to raise the profile of ALS/MND through the impact of the Ice Bucket Challenge. We’ll share the history of research and treatment developments over the past 10 years and how the Challenge helped on a global […]

Webinar from The MND Association of South Africa and Genoa Underwriting Managers

Zoom Webinar

DAY 3 | LAW AND ETHICS | Ethics AUDIENCE | Everyone The Motor Neuron Disease Association of South Africa and Genoa Underwriting Managers are delighted to invite you to a webinar hosted via the Zoom platform.  Hosted over 3 days, local and international guest speakers will discuss Motor Neuron Disease. Local and international guest speakers […]

Webinar from Les Turner ALS Foundation: The RISE Initiative:  Clinical Research, Inclusion, Support, and Education

Zoom Webinar

Title: The RISE Initiative: Clinical Research, Inclusion, Support, and Education Link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_boRKwZHESzCc9X_KjWrY0A#/registration Join us for our July ALS Learning Series where Allison Bulat will discuss the Research Inclusion Support and Education (RISE) Initiative of The Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS). This important initiative includes programs like the Clinical Research Learning Institute (CRLI) Research Ambassador Program, opportunities […]

Webinar from Les Turner Foundation: Empower your voice: Navigating conversations with your ALS care team

Zoom Webinar

Date/Time:  Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 12pm CST Title: Empower your voice: Navigating conversations with your ALS care team Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9ZTnqnxhQZ6yIkLTNOZ8Wg About the Program: Join us for our August ALS Learning Series on advocating for yourself and effectively communicating with your ALS health team, presented by Dr. Ambereen Mehta and Dr. Suzana Makowski, two leading palliative care […]
