Our Carers hub is here to help if you provide unpaid support to someone with motor neurone disease (MND) or Kennedy’s disease. You may prefer to see yourself as their partner, relative or friend, but as a ‘carer’ you can access services and support. Getting help may become essential as care needs increase. The following pages provide information to help you look after your own wellbeing.
For Youth and Children
Pour les jeunes
Une maladie comme la SLA provoque de nombreux changements et touche tous les membres de la famille. Les enfants et les adolescents pourraient avoir des préoccupations, des craintes et des questions auxquelles ils ne savent pas comment faire face ou comment les exprimer. Les ressources qui suivent sont spécialement conçues pour aider les enfants et les adolescents dont un membre de la famille vit avec la SLA.
Resources for Youth
An illness like ALS brings about many changes and affects every member of the family. Children and teens may have concerns, fears and questions they don’t know how to cope with or articulate. The following resources are designed specially to help children and teens who have a family member living with ALS.
Guias de Ayuda: La Familia y la ELA
Child Friendly Resources
You are probably reading this information because your mum or dad or someone special in the family has Motor Neurone Disease. It is a long name and for short it is often called MND.
Not many people get this illness and some adults you talk to may never have heard of it or know little about it…